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Edith's garden was filled with an atmosphere that any inveterate reader would understand; there was a feeling of "living stillness". A patina of light bathed the windowsills and a comfortable silence rested on every blade of grass.
I had just arrived at the house and could only check over and over again the letter in my hand and reread the address scrawled on it to make sure that I had not made a mistake, that this special and magical place was really waiting for me.
There was no one around, and yet I could close my eyes and feel life under my feet, in the whispering air and in the flowing water of the pond.
I have always had a sixth sense to discern the essence of things, just like Edith, who lived in this house before me.
That house, with its garden, shone with the strength of all the lives that had lived inside it over the years: decades ago it had been a nursery school, a traveler's ranch, a scientists' study, an artists' and poets' retreat, a home for families. Now was my time to explore it, feel it and give it another life.
(Car illustration © All rights reserved)

Before it disappears...
This product belongs to the Limited Collection "The Luminous Garden". It is a temporary spring collection.
These products, once sold out, will no longer exist.